EDIT: After a new phone, a year later, i have been able to finally play the game i bought! Yes, it opened, and yes, i played it! By that i mean ALL of it, because it has only a few levels. So i played through it on the other side. Finished it, as well. By now my coffee was brewed, and i sat wondering when the devs would update with more content. Yes, i know what youre thinking - Star Wars and Lego are hurting for funds and resources, of course, but a couple more levels after a year or so should be attainable, even for these tiny, fledgling institutions. It was fun while it lasted, but be aware that it doesnt last very long...
(Original review)
Because for 2 months now, after many re-installs and reboots, all the program does is show the splash screen then closes. Ive yet to play ANY of it. Yes, it must just be a wallpaper instead of a game. Perhaps "optimized for iPhone 5" should really say "doesnt work with anything else". Id suggest saving your money until the game is finished.
Gootang about LEGO® Star Wars™: Microfighters